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Updated: Mar 11, 2020

About This Game CRIMSON METALIs an experimental game made with FPS Creator that's trying to bring back the atmosphere of old school, hardcore, dynamic, brutal, and challenging game experiences from early 90's.StoryFour elite counter-terrorism squads storm secret cyborg and biological-warfare weapon production facilities. But none of the personnel, chief commander or the place for cyborg production are identified. All four squads find themselves in a death trap without any chance of getting out or contacting the outside world.As Adam Crimson, sole survivor of the Omega squad, you will go through chain of psychological and physical trials, which together are above ordinary person’ power.Scores of traps, hundreds of cyborgs, thousands of fierce mutants will stand on your way to freedom.Key Features· Old School Level Design· Require Pure Skill/Fast reaction time· Breath-taking, brutal, and challenging gameplay· Atmosphere Soundtracks· FREE DLC Episodes· No QTE, No Health Regeneration, No Bullsh*t.· No Options Menu· No Invert Y AXIS Mouse Option· Awesome Trading Cards 7aa9394dea Title: CRIMSON METAL REDUXGenre: Action, Adventure, Indie, SimulationDeveloper:Madbox EntertainmentPublisher:Madbox EntertainmentRelease Date: 5 May, 2017 CRIMSON METAL REDUX Hacked crimson metal redux trainer. crimson metal redux-plaza. crimson metal redux cheats. crimson metal redux gameplay. crimson metal redux review. crimson metal redux cheats. crimson metal redux pc. crimson metal redux-plaza. crimson metal redux gameplay. crimson metal redux - episode i-iii *2017*. crimson metal redux steam. crimson metal redux - episode i-iii *2017*. crimson metal redux review. crimson metal redux. crimson metal redux trainer. crimson metal redux pc. crimson metal redux steam. crimson metal redux wow.-no key rebind (who the actual ♥♥♥♥ made the decission to put melee on [ALT] with no chance to remap it?) no matter who it was, it must be a very sick person-no options at all (no graphic, sound, whatever else options)-FOV is probably the worst in human computer gaming history. FOV is like u ate a bunch of psychodelic mushrooms and someone stretched a 4:3 game to 16:9-dead enemy bodies disappear before even hitting the groundinstead of pumping out new free episodes for the game, invest the development time for a menu, key remappiing and for ♥♥♥♥ sake, fix the FOV.. What on earth did I just play..The lighting is darker than my soul.I don't know how to recommend this game really.. English text below this one)Português:Vou ser sincero contigo, eu quando olhei para este jogo, fez-me lembrar os FPS Old-School como Doom e Quake e eu adoro esses jogos, mas confesso que estou muito desiludido com a compra. A ideia de criar algo tipo Doom/Wolfenstein é sempre algo porreiro: um FPS onde possas correr á vontade, com Health Packs, mais que 2 armas, matando tudo o que mexe mas o problema é que Crimson Metal não satisfez de todo as minhas expectativas. Vamos começar pelo menu, tu não tens opções de configuração do jogo para já, não podes alterar a resolução, som, controlos, nada disso, uma uma chatice enorme especialmente para nós PC Gamers. Também não tens opções de dificuldade portanto tens que te desenrascar com o que tens. E acerca da Gameplay, eu não tava á espera que estivesse tão longe de um FPS old-school, o fast-pacing não existe, tu matas uns 4 ou 5 inimigos(por vezes menos do que isso) e depois ficas a andar pelo mapa á procura de um cartão de acesso ou algo assim até encontrares um inimigo ou dois, é aborrecido e depois há outras coisas como a pontaria, se tu não estiveres a fazer a mira secundária, boa sorte em conseguires acertar alguma coisa porque a tua pontaria é uma bela porcaria sem isso a não ser que tu estejas a uma distância em que lhe podes dar um linguado. Os inimigos são fáceis mas ao mesmo tempo difíceis, é muito estranho, por um lado tu os consegues matar com uma facilidade tremenda mas se tu apareces no ponto de vista deles, eles sugam-te a vida em instantes se não te meteres a pau, um dos inimigos que é um monstro tipo Dead Space que aparece no 3ºNível, tu não te consegues aperceber se tu o mataste ou não, eles ficam tipo parados a olhar para ti e tu desperdiças balas á pala disso, um desses monstros quando o matei, ele simplesmente desapareceu! E no que toca a otimização este jogo ainda precisa um pouco de amor, as texturas da parede tremem, a framerate baixa em certos momentos(e eu estou a jogar num portátil bastante moderno), inimigos atravessam paredes, ás vezes o protagonista bloqueia a andar quando tás a pegar munição em estantes. Resumindo, é um jogo que precisa de ser bem trabalhado, e se tu procuras algo tipo Doom/Quake/Duke Nukem/Blood, afasta-te deste jogo porque o espiríto desses FPS não está lá presente.English:I´ll be honest with you, when I looked into this game, it reminded me the old-school FPS like Doom and Quake and I absolutely loved those games but I must admit that I am really disappointed with this one. The idea of creating something like Doom/Wolfenstein it´s always something cool: a FPS where you can run around with healthpacks, more than 2 weapons and killing everything that moves but the problem is that Crimson Metal didn´t met my expectations. First of all, the menu: there is no "Options" Menu, you can´t change resolution, controls, sound, nothing like that, a huge bummer for PC Gamers like us. You also don´t have any choice of difficulty so you´ll have to deal with what you have. About the gameplay, I never thought that it would be so far away from an old school FPS, the fast-pacing is nonexistent, you kill like 4 or 5 enemies and then you wander around the map trying to find a key-card or something until you find 1 or 2 enemies, it´s boring as hell and then there´s the aiming. Dude, if you´re not doing the secondary aiming, you´re gonna have a bad time because your aiming sucks without it unless you have a distance where you can apply a french kiss on your enemy. The enemies are weird, they can be both easy but hard as well, it can be pretty easy to take them down but if they start to shoot you when you´re not paying attention, they´ll drain your health in a second, one of the enemies is sort of a monster Dead Space like(appears in Level 3), you can´t understand if you killed him or not, you shoot him and then it stares at you until he falls into the ground, by then you wasted too much ammo. Also when I killed one of those monsters, it just straight dissapeared. And when it comes about optimization, this game definitely needs some love, the textures on the wall flicker, the framerate drops in certain moments(and I am playing in a modern machine), enemies phase through walls, sometimes the protagonist glitches while walking when you´re picking up ammo from shelves. Basically, it´s a game that needs a lot of work, if you´re looking for something like Doom, Quake, Duke Nukem or Blood, get away from this game because that spirit isn´t there.. What a pleasant surprise! Can't believe this was made with FPS Creator!This game is retro breeze from the past but in a positive meaning.Pros:+ Old school feel+ Good lvl Design+ Awesome Soundtrack+ Brutal enemies+ Challenging situations+ Nice weapons+ Interesting secret areas.Cons (for some people but not for me):- No rebind key - 15 – 30 sec per load gameI wholeheartedly encourage anyone who are interested to buy it right away, especially if it's on sale.. WHAT a piece of a BEEP for a game. You cant even make your own key-bindings and invert mouse... damn what a waste of money... Good it was on sale, but still totally waste of money!!!!!And I have to play this game for at least 5 mins before I can make this review.. Now its waste of Money and 5 mins time of my life!!! Now I'm deleteing it!!!. So far I have made it to Level 4 and it has been quite challenging so far. I commend the developer and game for literally throwing you into the fire with only the controls known to you. I love the music (soundtrack) and it really sets the atmosphere for the dark, enemy filled halls. There is a lack of in-game options/settings but I feel you don't really need them and if you REALLY want to change something just edit the setup configuration file.The graphics aren't the best but definitely fit the environment/genre it is built around, (reminds me of a sci-fi DOOM 95 without the hell part)Really the only complaint I have is that it crashes on Level loads about 40-50% of the time which requires a restart that doesn't take very long to get back into the action. I am sure this will be patched in future updates. Level 3 will have some players scratching their heads on where to get the key to finish the area. Where it is located is a brilliant/unexpected location. For 6.99$ I can't complain much since it is very challenging and will have more level installments in the weeks/months to come. This is actually priced right IMHO unlike tons of other titles that are AAA or Indie. This game will make you think about just running around corners and blind firing..... the items/ammo/health give just the right amount to get through a level.Madbox Entertainment KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK! CRIMSON METAL - EPISODE 2 IS AVAILABLE NOW!: Hey! CRIMSON METAL - EPISODE 2 is FINALLY HERE!· New 8 Levels· New Enemies· New ChallengesThank you guys for your support! Hope you enjoy!. CRIMSON METAL UPDATE to v.1.7.1: Hi! PATCH 3 is Here!PATCH 3 NOTES:• Performance tweaks• Rebalanced game difficulty• Improved lighting• Improved texturesTo make sure that all files for all episodes are downloaded, update the game manually. You can do this by followign the instructions below:1. Load Steam2. From the Library section, right-click on the game and select "Properties" from the menu.3. Select the "Local Files" tab and click the "Verify integrity of game cache..." button.4. Steam will verify the game's files - this process may take several minutes.5. Once the process is completed, the window will automatically exit, and you will be ready for action.One more thing. In the next few weeks Episode 4 will rise!Thank you guys for your support!. CRIMSON METAL - EPISODE 3 IS AVAILABLE NOW!: For all who was waiting! CRIMSON METAL - EPISODE 3 is here!· New 8 Levels· New Enemies· New ChallengesThank you guys for your support! Hope you enjoy!. CRIMSON METAL UPDATE to v.1.3: Hey! PATCH 2 is Here!PATCH 2 NOTES:• Performance tweaks• Improved key controls• Improved textures• Smoother AIM DOWN SIGHTS• Rebalanced game difficultyin the next few weeks Episode 2 will rise!If you run into any additional problems please send us details to madboxgamestudio@gmail.comThank you guys for your support!. CRIMSON METAL REDUX is Live Now!: COME GET SOME!Now the best thing you can do to support our project is to leave a review about the changes in the game and share your general impressions. We want to resume the release of free episodes, but this will be possible only by your feedback and support.CRIMSON METAL itself was a start point/experimental project - We have learned a lot and want to create great projects. Step by step we are looking forward to bring to live CRIMSON METAL 2.Once again I want to thank you all because we can continue doing what we love only thanks to you - constructive feedback is very important for such small projects like ours. CRIMSON METAL IS AVAILABLE NOW!: Here it is! The First Episode of CRIMSON METAL is available now! In the next few weeks Episode 2 will rise. Thank you guys for your support and patience! Hope you enjoy the game :). BIG PATCH COMING!!!: Hello guys! In the next few days will came a BIG PATCH. Please bear with us and continue emailing us the issues you run into.PATCH 1 Fixes:• Redesign of some levels for better performance• Fixed checkpoint system• Improved F6/F9 - Quick Save and Load• Improved lighting• Improved automatic aspect ratio system• Smoother AIM DOWN SIGHTS• New Secret Areas• New awesome soundtracksIf you run into any issues or bugs please email us at madboxgamestudio@gmail.comThanks!


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